Are You Tired Most Of The Time?

The challenges of every day life like enduring the tiresome commute to and from the office; the stress and anxiety from your demanding work; and all the family commitments that you need to attend to — these are all recipes for burnout. Even on weekends, you can’t seem to get some rest. No matter what you do, you still feel dead tired. But like most people, you know that you must not give in to all the pressures at home and at work.

If you’re always tired, maybe it’s time for you to consider the following tips on how to stay sharp and ready to face the daily grind:

Lessen your sugar intake

Contrary to popular belief, sugar should not be considered a main source of energy. In fact, sugar is mostly converted to fat if it is unused through physical activity or exercise. High-sugar, high-calorie food and beverages like softdrinks, chocolate bars, candies, and desserts should be avoided or consumed in moderation. The “low” that comes after the “high” of a “sugar rush” can actually make a person feel more tired.


When excessive fatigue hits, many people would grab a cup of coffee for a quick “pick-me-up” fix. But a recent study showed that excessive coffee drinking can lead to exhaustion. The temporary boost simply masks the fatigue instead of relieving a person suffering from it. In addition, just a little too much caffeine can leave you feeling overstimulated and shaky. The first step to eliminate our exhaustion is to lessen your coffee crutch. You can make the transition by kicking your habit of taking coffee over the weekends, or by limiting your coffee intake to only two cups a day.

Get enough sleep

Getting quality sleep is very important. If you are still tired after a full night’s sleep, chances are, something is bothering you so much that you lose sleep over it. Furthermore, if you are trying to sleep and often resort to the use of sleeping pills or alcohol, you may be in for a surprise. Abusing these products can just make your sleeplessness worse in the long run because you may become prone to over-dependence.

Refresh yourself often

Too many commitments or conflicting schedules often cause you stress and anxiety. Try to learn and practice time management. Create an unstructured weekend. Try meditation techniques that will help you relax. If the budget permits, take regular quick vacations to allow your mind and body to be refreshed.

Chemicals plays a part on zapping your energy

Today, there are more harmful substances found in our food such as chemicals, pesticide residue, and other toxins. Even the air we breathe contains harmful pollutants like sulfur-dioxide and nitrous oxide fumes. As a result, many people suffer from low-grade poisoning than can cause weakness.

Here are simple ways to cope with these environmental toxins:

lInvest in an air purifier or filtered air conditioning

lHave your water supply tested

lSearch for organic foods that are free of chemicals

lKeep away or secure bottles of solvents, paint, and cleansers. Make sure its lid is sealed. Store it in your attic or basement.

lDon’t smoke or drink too much alcohol

lDrink at least 8 glasses of water a day and have a high-fiber diet

Take some supplements to fill the gap

Proper diet is essential but even with a good diet, it still feels short when you still lack the essential vitamins and minerals that you need to keep yourself up and running. Try taking the following supplements:

lB Complex These vitamins help the body convert sugar into fuel. Take 50mg twice daily.

lVitamin C A well-known vitamin known for fighting fatigue and infection.

lIron If you eat a lot of junk food and you are having heavy menstruation, you become prone to iron deficiency. Taking at least 50mg of iron supplements, two or three times daily will help replenish the loss iron in your body.

lMagnesium -You need this to maintain your energy levels. It is best to take at least 200mg of magnesium citrate twice daily.

You’ll feel more refreshed if you follow these health tips. Aside from a good diet, plenty of rest, and regular exercise — it is important to practice positive thinking or optimism, which is another key to overcome physical and emotional tiredness.

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