What is the Tummy Tuck Procedure?

Tummy Tuck Procedure is a form of plastic surgery which is used to correct the disfigured lower stomach, particularly the region around the lower abdomen muscles. This problem is mostly found in women after pregnancy and in men after a gastric bypass surgery. The Tummy tuck procedure known as abdominoplasty in medical terms can be of different types in different cases but all forms fall under two broad categories:

1. Standard Tummy Tuck Procedure: also known as complete abdominoplasty is performed on middle and lower abdominal muscles. And,

2. Mini Tummy Tuck Procedure: also known as partial abdominoplasty is performed only on the lower abdominal muscles.

Standard tummy tuck procedure restores the shape of your highly disfigured lower stomach by removing excess fat and skin accumulated around the lower abs, tightening up the middle lower and middle abdomen and restoring the position of the naval.

Mini tummy tuck procedure is comparatively a smaller and less complex operation which involves removing little amount of fat and skin and tightening up of the lower abdomen only.

Both tummy tuck procedure surgeries are performed under general or local anesthesia. The patient is also administered a doses of epinephrine or adrenaline to constrict the blood vessels and prevent excessive bleeding and Valium to help them relax prior to surgery. The patient may also choose to be administered with a suitable pain reliever which allows them to relax further and drift off to sleep.

The Tummy Tuck Procedure steps:

after administrating anesthesia, the surgeon makes a long incision from one hipbone to another detaching the naval from surrounding tissues.

then a second incision to free the naval from the surrounding tissues.

skin flap is lifted up to reveal the abdomen muscles.

abdomen muscles are then tightened by stitching them together.

then the skin flap is stretched down and excess skin is removed.

a new hole for the belly button is carved and sewed in place.

incisions are closed then an elastic dressing is put to support.

a temporary tube may be inserted to drain excessive fluid.

These Tummy Tuck Procedure are not different than other surgeries and should be performed systematically and essentially by qualified surgeons.

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