Why Success May Be Killing You — And What To Do About It

You have probably worked long hours and many years to get where you are professionally. It took hard work and real dedication to achieve the success you enjoy now. Reaching professional goals is something to be proud of, but few stop to consider the physical tradeoffs this success often requires.

Few people stop during their climb up the corporate ladder to consider what their daily lifestyle may be doing to their health. Often, achieving success means spending day after day at a desk or standing behind a counter. Americans don’t get nearly enough exercise, and with that comes health risks. Those risks include osteoporosis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and a number of other related health problems.

It is critically important to get proper exercise on a regular basis. Without it, you will almost certainly have pains and mobility problems down the road. But the right exercise regimen not only can decrease the risk of serious health issues, it can also help you achieve even greater goals, both personally and professionally.

Many don’t realize that half-hearted trips to the gym several times a week simply won’t cut it when you’re trying to improve long-term health. A lot of people who work out regularly may not be getting the kind of exercise that prevents health problems and allows them to enjoy a full, active life.

The problem with most workouts is they focus on strengthening specific muscles or areas of the body and are very time consuming. That’s great if you’re a bodybuilder, but that’s not how our bodies normally work. While this offers physical improvement in the form of tighter muscles and reduced fat, it fails to provide the bending, twisting and abrupt stops that are important to a truly effective exercise routine. These kinds of motions are common in everyday life, like bending over to pick up your keys. Failing to work them into an exercise routine means the body will never be trained for common movements, which naturally grow more difficult for us as our bodies age.

So, while thousands of individuals make monthly payments on expensive exercise equipment and gym memberships that promises to make them look better, they are neglecting the type of movement that extends health benefits down the line.

In the U.S., people 35 to 54 years old account for more than one million sports-related injuries each year. While that number sounds imposing, it is completely within our power to change the statistic. So how can we lessen our own risks?

The solution is to combine exercise with common movements. Use exercises that approximate the kind of speed and movement you use in sports or other active tasks. Movements like lunges, squats and jumps all build muscle, improve balance and when performed quickly and repetitively, can provide an effective cardiovascular challenge.

The best part about this effective workout is that it doesn’t require expensive equipment or a lot of time to pull it off. Getting back to basics with exercise balls, medicine balls and resistance bands is all you need to help prevent injury, as well as tone and shape your body into a stronger, healthier physique.

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