If you are going to create your own t shirt, you need to make sure that you understand the shirt-making process. You need to think about all of the different steps that go into the process, and all of the different things that you (or the person you hire) will have to do.
These five tips aim to help those who have never designed or created their own shirt before. This is perfect for those who want to customize and create their own design for a shirt.
Make the Design Simple
If you are creating your own shirt, work to make the design as simple as possible. The more intricate the design, the higher the cost may be. The more intricate designs can also get lost on a t-shirt, as the screen-printing process fails to capture the minute details that make the design interesting and unique.
Think About Colors
You need to make sure that you give serious consideration to the colors that you choose for your t shirt. You want to make sure that the color that you have chosen for the actual design will stand out on the color of the t shirt. You also want to make sure that the colors do not clash. Ask for samples from the company that you are purchasing your shirts from to get a better idea of the colors that they have to offer.
Think About Cost
You need to make sure that you take cost into consideration before you actually purchase your shirts. You want to make sure that you budget for the type of shirt, design, and colors that you plan on. As you add colors and designs, you will see a higher cost per shirt.
Think About Turnaround Time
It is important for you to think about turnaround time when you are creating your own shirts. You need to think about how much time it will take you to create each shirt. You want to plan for each shirt, and also want to plan for any issues that may arise. Give yourself enough time to have the shirts ready by a specific date if you are planning for an event or date.
Think About the Shirt
Every shirt is going to be different in the way that it fits, and the size that it actually is. You need to make sure that you understand how each shirt fits before giving the go-ahead on production.
If you create your own t shirt, you need to make sure that you are taking every variable into consideration during the design process. You need to make sure that you are thinking about the design, the size, the color, the cost, and the turnaround time of the project. When you manage to take all of these variables into consideration, you can be sure that you will create the perfect t-shirt for your needs.