Women’s Distance Running Apparel: Not Just for Fashion

Women runners are often featured sporting branded sports apparel and gears-from wristbands and socks to water bottles and sunglasses. And so many women who engage or aspire to engage in distance running follow suit and go shopping for similar running wear. Others, on the other hand, simply ignore such sports apparels and dismiss them as … Read more

What is Distance Running?

Distance running, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica is any foot race that ranges from 3,000 meters to 42,195 kilometers (basic length for marathon). It includes sprints, middle distance, long distance, marathon, ultra running, and multiday running. Olympic events are held on track with length ranges between 5,000 to 10,000-metre races and marathons are held on … Read more

Things You Can Learn From Distance Running

“Running taught me valuable lessons. In cross-country competition, training counted more than intrinsic ability, and I could compensate for a lack of natural aptitude with diligence and discipline. I applied this in everything I did.” – Nelson Mandela Running, especially long distance running was once a sport only for young fleet-footed men. However, in the … Read more

The Good Things You Get from Distance Running

You may have heard of athletes having injured their shins, twisted their ankles, or developed some musculoskeletal problem because of distance running. While those may be true, we should think critically and put in mind that running, just like any other sport, has its own risks and, thus, should be properly prepared for and performed. … Read more

Running The Distance By The Basics

Technology has given man a lot of opportunities to improve his way of life. Health and medicine have improved man’s survival rate and his ability to understand certain diseases that affect bodily functions. Industry and infrastructures have sheltered man against all sorts of calamities and adversities. Transportation is on always on the go to carry … Read more