Article Marketing and Internet Marketing Go Hand In Hand

Internet marketing and article marketing are not the same thing, because internet marketing is a broad concept with many smaller concepts beneath it, and article marketing is one of those smaller facets of internet marketing. The reason why these two concepts go hang in hand is because no internet marketing campaign is complete without some form of article marketing. Internet marketing and article marketing go hand in hand because using articles to market yourself, your website or your affiliate products is absolutely vital in creating a complete internet marketing solution.

There are numerous different types of internet marketing that you can take advantage of to get their name out there. However, most forms of internet marketing have costs of some sort, because advertising isn’t free. That is, advertising isn’t free unless you are advertising through article marketing. This unique form of marketing was popular long before ecommerce was a big thing. For as long as mass print methods have been available, businesses have been marketing themselves through article creation, by offering something of value to print medium like widely read newspapers in exchange for a byline or a small advertisement. When it come to ecommerce and internet marketing, article marketing is an excellent means for getting information out there and creating powerful links back to your website or affiliate products.

When it comes to article marketing, there are numerous benefits and features to consider.

– This form of marketing creates powerful links from popular websites back to your website or affiliate products. The more links you have coming to your website from other sources, the more powerful your website will be in search engine page listings like Google.

– By providing value in the articles that you create, you will be establishing yourself as a trusted authority on the keywords, niches or subjects that you are writing about. When readers know they can count on you for real, honest information, they will keep coming back for more.

– By adding a byline or resource box to your content you will be giving potential customers a way to contact you after reading your valuable content. Not only will this create powerful links, but it will also help connect additional traffic to your website that you would not normally be able to get.

– By creating articles optimized for search engines you will be improving your overall traffic and even your overall page rank by submitting to content sites with high page ranks and authority.

For these reasons, it is absolutely vital that article marketing be a facet of any internet marketing plan that you put together. While there may be a variety of different ways to market your internet site, one of the most powerful is to use valuable, easy to read article content with a call to action for readers who appreciate your work to visit your website for more information, products, a newsletter, and so on and so forth.

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