Athletes Using Steroids Are At Double Risk

However, such use of anabolic steroids is steroid abuse, which may serious side effects and dangerous consequences. The athletes using steroids are likely to experience steroid side effects, which may include wooziness, early loss of hair, sleeping troubles, nausea, depression, mood changes, joint pain, hallucinations, paranoia, urination problems, yellow fever, stroke, increased risk of heart disease, trembling, high levels of blood pressure, and increased chance of injuring muscles and tendons. The athletes using steroids may also experience to several serious consequences that may include aggressiveness, depression, anxiety and uncontrolled bouts of anger.

The athletes using steroids may also experience serious side effects affecting their reproductive systems. These side effects may include testicular shrinkage, powerlessness, hair loss, sterility, development of breasts or nipples, urinary problems, increased size of prostate gland and reduced sperm count in males, and development of male features, increased facial hair growth, breast shrinkage and increased size of the clitoris in females.

The athletes using steroids are always at risk of getting tested positive for using anabolic steroids, which are legally prohibited for sports use. These athletes can get life ban or some other penalties slapped on them. There are a number of instances when athletes using steroids, getting tested positive for doping, are made to quit sports for life. The Canadian sprinter, Ben Johnson has to lose his gold when he failed doping test. Johnson’s urine samples were found containing Stanozolol. He was banned for two year, in 1993 again, he was found guilty of doping at a race in Montreal and was subsequently banned from the sport for life.

The American Olympic and world 100-meter champion Justin Gatlin failed a drug test on 29 July, 2006, and consequently an eight year ban from track and field was slapped on him.

“We need to show good faith for the young kids, the next generation coming up. Today, I tell the kids don’t use drugs, because it’s bad for you, says Ben Johnson to the next generation of athletes.

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