For those of you who’ve decided it’s time to get out on the water, you’re probably wondering where is the best place for canoes sales, after all you don’t want to get taken advantage of or overpay. Before you pull out your wallet though, there are some other things you need to figure out. There are many options of where to buy your canoe but first you need to decide what type of canoe is best for you and your needs.
When it comes to picking out a canoe, there are many factors that will come in to play. Here is a list of the things you need to consider when choosing the right fit for you and your plans:
1. Number 1 on the list is to decide what you’re going to use your canoe for, this will help you determine the best type of canoe. If you are going to be fishing from your canoe you will want a fairly large style that provides a lot of room for storing your gear. If you want to shoot the rapids you will want a smaller, more maneuverable style canoe.
2. Once you’ve determined your primary use for your new canoe, it’s time to hit the outdoor supply stores who specialize in canoes sales (you can also go online at this point but while you are narrowing down your preference it’s nice to have a sales person there so you can ask questions if you need to). Look at the different styles of canoes and what they are made of. You will choose different materials based on your needs and your budget. For example, a wooden canoe can be a beautiful example of traditional wood working craftsmanship, but it can also be very expensive, high maintenance and easily damaged. It may not be the best choice for a big family or an inexperienced person.
3. Another consideration is where you’ll be using your canoe. If you live on a lake or river and your primary use will be right in your own backyard, the size and weight of the canoe won’t be as big of a factor since you won’t have to load it on your car very often, or ever, to take to another location. But for those of you that are land locked you want to make sure that any canoe you choose can fit on your car.
4. The length of the canoe will also be a factor and this will depend on what you are using your canoe for. If you want to haul the whole family you will need a bigger boat, if it’s going to just be you all you need is a single person canoe. A good rule of thumb is to stay between 15 and 18 feet in length. This will accommodate most people and their needs.
Once you’ve figured out exactly what type of canoe you want, it’s time to find places that specialize in canoes sales to find the best deal you can. Don’t forget that there are sites online which sell used goods as well as your local paper. When looking for your canoe don’t ignore used canoes since you can get a great deal in many cases.