Caskets For Sale – Tips On Casket Opitions

Losing someone you love to death is the hardest thing most of us will ever go through, add to that the many decisions that need to be made while grieving and it can make an already very difficult time almost impossible to handle. One of the most important decisions you’ll have to make regarding the funeral is the choice of a casket. You may not want to just buy one from your local funeral home since it will cost you a lot more money than if you bought one from a casket shop, online casket stores or other places that have caskets for sale.

One of the reasons that a funeral home charges so much for their casket is that casket sales are actually a significant part of their yearly sales. After all, it’s not like they can get business from other states so they are fairly limited in the number of funerals they perform every year and they need to have other income streams. Don’t let the funeral director talk you in to getting the casket from him, it’s actually a law that they have to use whatever casket you provide no matter where you got it from. If you buy from a reputable company, either online or locally, you shouldn’t have any issues with delivery or quality.

When it’s time to make that purchase you have a wide array of choices and options both in the construction material of the casket as well as any additional embellishments that may be added. Having an idea of what you are looking for before you set out can save you time, aggravation, and maybe even some money.

First things first, what type of material do you want the casket to be made of? You have the choice of wood or stainless steel. When it comes to a wood casket you can choose: cherry, mahogany, maple, poplar, oak, and pine. You can even choose a wood veneer that will cost less since it only has a veneer of a nice hardwood but the majority of the casket is made of a cheaper wood underneath. In most cases it will still look beautiful, it will just be less expensive since you aren’t using the expensive wood for the whole casket. When it comes to a stainless steel casket you can choose from 18 -20 gauge stainless or 16 gauge stainless.

The type of material you want for the lining of the casket will also help determine the price. The most common options are satin and velvet and the most commonly used color is white, but that doesn’t mean you can’t choose something different. Ask the salesperson at the casket store for more information on the options available.

When purchasing your casket from someone other than the funeral home, make sure that you are clear, both with the funeral director and the store you are buying your casket from, the exact date and time the casket needs to be at the funeral home. If you are purchasing the casket online you will need to factor in shipping costs and if you need to expedite the shipping it will cost even more.

When we think of planning a big event we usually think it will be fun… not so when planning a funeral. Make this time as easy on yourself as possible, find all the places that have caskets for sale online or near you and make sure that you get the most beautiful casket for the best price.

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