Digital Book Reader – Advantages of Carrying Your Own Personal Library

It is becoming increasingly popular to read books in a digital format. These digital books, called e-books, can be read on your computer or with a digital book reader. There are many advantages to getting your books in a ebook format. In this article I’ll outline some advantages, I’ll tell you a little bit about what features you can expect with an ebook reader, how much you’ll spend for one, and where you can get one.

First things first, digital readers have been growing in popularity by leaps and bounds over the last few years. The technology has advanced to the point where these readers are now small, lightweight, have a long battery life, and are easy to read.

The font size can be changed so you can increase the size to make it a more comfortable read, when was the last time you could do that with that $25 hardcover mystery?

The EInk screen technology makes it look like you are reading from a piece of paper.

Using an electronic reader is, all in all, a pleasant way to read that new novel.

You can download the book directly from the internet. Many brands of readers have a built in wireless network that doesn’t require you to sign up for, or have to pay for, any other wireless carrier and you can access the network from virtually anywhere.

The Amazon Kindle 2 is considered by many to be the best of the bunch when it comes to wireless readers. The next closest competitor, the Sony PRS 700, also has many great features.

The Kindle 2 has the Whispernet wireless network built in which runs off the Sprint network making it simple to find a wireless spot in countless locations around the country.

The Sony version wireless reader doesn’t have wireless capabilities.

The Kindle 2 gives you access to almost a quarter of a million book titles as well as over one thousand blogs and many newspapers and magazines.

The Sony gives you access to less than 100,000 titles, a few blogs, and no newspapers or magazines.

The Amazon Kindle 2 can store about 1,500 full books, with a 2GB internal memory and no external memory.

The Sony has the ability to store around 300 titles with a 256mb internal memory and the capacity for up to 16GB memory card external memory.

Both units will hold a charge for up to 2 weeks if you don’t use the wireless network. If you use the network battery life will fall to around 4 days of battery life.

The Kindle 2 takes about 4 hours to recharge the Sony takes 4 hours with USB charging from your computer or about 2 hours in a wall plug.

Both models are available at and cost around $399.

Using a digital book reader will allow you to carry a virtual library anywhere you go. You can download the newest, or not so new, titles and be reading in just a few minutes. You don’t have to worry about finding room for your library, and last, but not least, you can easily take your reader with you anywhere you want to enjoy a good book and when you’re done with one book, just download another!

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