Ebook Reader Basics – Express Reading On The Go

A large portion of people are choosing to read digital versions of books, also known as ebooks, right on their own computers. This isn’t all that new as they have been doing it for years. These are typically thought of as educational books, meant to teach people new skills or methods, and quite frequently they would relate to computers or being online. As you will see, the idea of the ebook is rapidly changing.

First, the titles available in digital format now cover all genres, including–in part–best selling fiction novels, romance, mysteries, and the entire gamut of non-fiction subjects. Second, with the advent of the ebook reader, it is no longer necessary to be sitting at a computer to be able to read digital books.

As far as the number of titles for ebook readers go, there are close to 2,000,000 currently available for the Amazon Kindle (670,000 through Amazon, about 1,200,000 public domain titles, as well as blogs and magazines), while the Sony Ebook readers has somewhat fewer; though they are still top titles.

In addition to having such a large number of titles to choose from, ebook readers can now hold between 1,000 and 3,500 digital books. This is incredibly convenient, especially when you compare it to trying to carry around the same number of traditional books. Weighing in at around 10 ounces means these digital readers can hold thousands of books, but still weigh less than a single soft cover book. This makes them ideal for those who like to travel.

You should also know that the newer ebook readers cause less strain on the eyes. For example, the Amazon Kindle uses what it calls E-Ink. This gets very close to replicating the same reading experience one would get when reading a regular book. They also use a screen that doesn’t reflect glare, so you can use it outdoors without trouble. In addition, ebook readers allow you to change the size of the font according to your preferences; something no normal book can do.

When you use an ebook reader you browse an appropriate website for the books you would like to read. Once you make your selection, you pay for them (ebooks are almost always cheaper than the print version). You can then download them as soon as the payment is approved. It normally takes no more than a minute or two to download each ebook. That sure beats taking the time to drive to the bookstor, and then having to wait in line.

As with any new technology, the amount you have to pay for an ebook reader is continually going down. It wouldn’t be uncommon for a digital reader to cost $400 or so, but the newest Kindle can be had for as low as $139. Not only are they getting less expensive but they also have more features, more storage and longer battery life.

However you look at it, an ebook reader is more than just a gadget for the avid reader; it’s a necessity.

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