If you look at any information on FSBO homes, one trend that continues to emerge is the necessity for proper advertising and exposure for homes. But, without a real estate agent and their typically large advertising budget, how can this be accomplished? Quite easily really, you just need to think creatively. Try to think like a realtor, what steps would you take in order to ensure the maximum amount of exposure for a home that you are selling? Which kinds of media would you utilize? Create yourself a plan of action that involves all of these and execute it as quickly as possible.
Now, what goes into the plan? Well, first think about where your home is going to be seen and noticed first. Most homes for sale these days are first viewed on the internet. This being the case you may want to entertain the thought of paying for a MLS listing. This gives your home a huge amount of exposure as well as making it known to realtors and home buyers across the nation. Internet marketing is becoming more and more necessary with home sales, another great idea is to find a national FSBO website that offers listing and list your home there. This will also increase the amount of exposure that the home gets and you can never have too much of it.
After this step, the more traditional form of home marketing come into play, such as the sign on the lawn. Don’t skimp on your sign. It may not sound like much but a professional quality sign is a great attraction to buyers. You may be the home’s owner but during this process you will need to be it’s salesman too and this will involve a certain amount of emotional detachment from the home. This will be difficult but it is necessary. Of course, you will have your favorite aspects of the home but you will have to let viewers have the choice to develop their own favorites. Try to hold a few open houses as well. The more chances that people have to see your home, the better your chance is of selling.