Getting A Home Owner Insurance Quote In Oklahoma

Home owner insurance isn’t a legal requirement in Oklahoma, but if you purchased your home with the help of a lender, such as a bank, your lender may require you to purchase a home owner insurance policy until you pay off your loan. Whatever the situation, it’s wise to purchase a home owner insurance policy in Oklahoma to protect your home, your family, your possessions, and even visitors and guests.

When you begin you search for the home owner insurance quote that’s right for you, there are a few factors to remember:

Oklahoma home owner insurance policies generally do not cover flood damage. For flood damage protection, contact the National Flood Insurance Program at 800-CALL-FLOOD.

Some Oklahoma home owner insurance policies will cover wind and tornado damage, and some will not. If damage caused by wind and tornadoes is a concern of yours, make sure to ask the Oklahoma home owner insurance company if the policy for which you’re getting a quote covers wind and tornado damage. If it doesn’t, you may want to seek a different home owner insurance quote for a different home owner insurance policy, or, you may want to start looking at a different home owner insurance company in Oklahoma.

Not every home owner insurance company is going to offer you a home owner insurance quote in Oklahoma. Reasons for this may vary. Perhaps the Oklahoma home owner insurance company feels your home is too much of a “risk” due to unsafe structures, the age of the home, or even the location of the home. If you are having difficulty getting a home owner insurance quote in Oklahoma, i.e., you have tried at least two different Oklahoma home owner insurance companies and each has turned you down, all is not lost. Try contacting the Oklahoma Market Assistance Program (OK-MAP). Comprised of a group of insurance companies, OK-MAP will help you insure your home.

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