How To Compare Low Cost Automobile Insurance In Connecticut

Connecticut residents should be aware of certain variables when comparing low cost automobile insurance. Although all insurance companies have certain rules and regulations to follow, they are afforded some flexibility in underwriting. Here are a few things you should be aware of:

1.Young Drivers: Some companies prefer not to insure young drivers and that preference will translate into higher premium dollars. Let’s face it, they will charge a little more to do things they don’t want to do.

2.Accidents: If you have too many accidents, you might be forced to place your auto coverage through the Connecticut Automobile Assigned Risk Plan. The state of Connecticut established the Assigned Risk plan to enable policyholders who have been denied insurance (within the past 60 days) an opportunity to get insurance. The coverage, as you might have guessed, is not cheap. This is the place where the uninsurable go as a last ditch effort.

3.Credit This is not a mandatory underwriting requirement, however, many Connecticut insurance companies do use credit information when underwriting a policy. If they do, however, they must notify you. If you know you have bad credit, you might want to select a company that does not use this in their premium formulation as poor credit translates into higher rates.

5.Ask for discounts: Speak to the insurance agent to find out what discounts you may qualify for. Did you know that if your high school student maintains a B or better average in school qualifies for a premium discount? Your agent knows of the various discounts available, make sure you do too.

6.Shop on line. By shopping on line and going directly to the insurance company, there is a chance you may bypass the insurance agent. By doing so, your premium calculations should be a bit lower as the agent’s commission will not be built into the premiums bottom line.

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