I imagine that very few drivers in Missouri actually look forward to paying their monthly automobile insurance premium, yet the vast majority do. Why? For one reason, driving a non-farm vehicle on any public road in Missouri without insurance is illegal and the penalties if you are caught are so severe as to make the risk unacceptable.
The question then becomes: How do you afford to pay the premium each month in order to have the necessary insurance?
Ultimately the answer is to compare low cost automobile insurance plans until you find one that’s right for you and that you can afford. But before you begin making comparisons it only makes sense to do your homework so you know what all of your options are.
For example, keeping your driving record clean will keep the cost of your insurance low. In other words, do not speed or drive drunk or impaired. Any behavior behind the wheel which reflects negatively on your ability to operate your vehicle safely at all times is going to raise your monthly premium.
Combining insurance policies under the umbrella of the same insurance company can also reduce your premiums. In other words, if you have a health insurance policy or a homeowner’s policy, then buying your car insurance from the same company can reduce your premiums through a program most insurance companies have known as a multi-policy discount.
Young drivers and very old drivers get hit the hardest with automobile insurance premiums due to that fact that those two segments of the driving public tend to have the largest number of accidents. If you’re in school, stay there. Work hard and get good grades. Students who have a “B” average qualify for a Good Student Discount from most insurance companies.
Older drivers, 55 and over, who successfully pass a driver’s refresher course can save up to 10% on their monthly premiums ask your insurance agent if your insurance company sponsors such a program.
Take a good hard look at the types of coverage you are paying for and question each one of them. Missouri law stipulates minimum coverages and if your vehicle is being financed then your financial institution may require that you pay for additional coverage, but if you drive an older car you might consider dropping comprehensive coverage for example as a cost-cutting option.
Finally, decide on the largest deductible you feel comfortable paying. Your deductible is the amount that you will pay from your own wallet any time there is a claim. The larger the deductible that you are willing to pay, then the lower your monthly premium is going to be.
O.K. Now it’s time to get online and start making comparisons. There are literally dozens of websites that encourage you to compare policy features and prices at a number of different automobile insurance companies. Keep in mind that none of the websites offering this service compares every insurance company in Missouri, so if you really and truly want to compare low cost automobile insurance in Missouri you are going to have to take the extra time to make comparisons on more than one website.
Even though it does take a little effort, the internet makes possible something that wasn’t even an option just a few short years ago: to compare low cost automobile insurance in Missouri and feel confident that at the end of the day you have found the best policy for you at the best price around.