When comparing low-cost car insurance in Connecticut there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Although the coverages may be identical, each insurance company may approach the underwriting information in a different way, and that can result in varying premium amounts. Additionally, you should be aware of the insurance company’s financial stability.
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Claim service: More than just providing an auto ID card, insurance companies must respond at the time of a loss. If your vehicle is stolen or if you’ve been involved in an accident, you want your insurance company to respond immediately. The last thing you want is to be transferred from voice mail to voice mail in an emergency. Find out in advance how the insurance company handles claims. Find out their philosophy on claims and how quickly claims are settled.
2. Financial Stability: An organization called AM Best Company rates the financial stability of all insurance companies. Before you sign on the dotted line, have your insurance agent provide you with the AM Best rating. Some companies with very low rating may give you the best premium quote. However, is it worth saving money on insurance premiums when the company might not be around when you need them to pay a claim?
3. Consistent Underwriting Information: When submitting underwriting information to more than one insurance company, make sure the information is the same for each company. If one company’s underwriter asks for clarification and you provide additional information, be sure to give the same clarification to the other companies you are approaching to ensure that you are getting a true apples to apples comparison.
4. Shop Around: It is best to get at least three insurance quotes for your auto. Too many times people are tempted to take the first quote they receive. You will do yourself a disservice by not getting alternative quotes.