The study of human anatomy is said to be the most important portion of anatomy you can research and observe. There are many approaches to human anatomy. The medical field views human anatomy as the study of the human body. Most medical professionals specialize in an area of human anatomy because the entirety of the area is too complex.
A very controversial aspect of human anatomy is called Topographical Anatomy. This involves dissecting and inspecting human bodies to learn about them. Some individuals feel this is demeaning and disrespectful to the human body. However, the scientific and medical world view it as a necessary learning tool. Many individuals leave specific instructions for their body to be used for medical purposes upon their death.
The scientific world views human anatomy as a very fascinating area of study with much still to learn about. Through human anatomy and science we have been educated about the fertilization process, pregnancy, and birth. We have also discovered how the body functions and we are able to identify parts of a person’s body that are not developed correctly or functioning properly.
As science and the medical field continue to learn more about human anatomy, technology also lends a hand in helping this area advance. We know more about the human body now than ever before. This knowledge combined with technology has lead to advances in medical procedures, surgeries, MRI’s and CAT scans.
Human anatomy has allowed people to live longer, healthier lives. We are able to identify the factors that result in healthy living as well as those that don’t. This gives us the power to make changes to our lifestyle for our own benefit. Deciding to quit smoking for example can improve your quality of life. We know the damage smoking can do to us by taking time to investigate the human anatomy.
The area of human anatomy remains fascinating and important to our well being as the human race. The study of anatomy leads us to understand bodily functions and processes. This has also lead to breakthroughs in identifying genetic factors and birth defects. There is hope that human anatomy will help the science and medical fields find cures for ailments such as cancer and aids in the future.