Women in the U.S. with fledgling Internet marketing businesses can obtain government assistance online to help their business grow.
Sometimes it seems that the world of Internet business is an entirely separate world from that of brick-and-mortar business. However, to the government all legitimate small businesses are equal. There are a wealth of publicly funded resources available to the female online entrepreneur. The question is, how to find them?
A good place to start the quest is at the Small Business Administration’s “MyBIZ for Women” site (http://www.sba.gov/women/). If you are just starting out in business they have materials that can help you focus your business plan and keep realistic expectations. If your online venture is getting serious and needs to grow, there are links to sources of funding from various loan programs. You may be able to find one that fits your situation.
Another excellent resource for women’s business information is the National Women’s Business Council (http://www.nwbc.gov/faq.html), with up-to-date news on programs for women in business. Examples include mentorship programs where women can gain business skills from experienced entrepreneurs, and certification programs that let you prove your business is woman-owned to help obtain funding.
The Department of Labor also maintains a website dedicated to “Women’s Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century” at (http://www.women-21.gov/). While it doesn’t appear to be the “one-stop shop for resources” that it’s front page claims, there are some very useful articles and links to be found within.
According to the S.B.A., woman-owned small businesses are being started at twice the average rate for all businesses! If you’re an American businesswoman looking for a little support, you may be surprised at the amount offered by Uncle Sam.