Sweat-Free Ways to Get Rid of Extra Pounds

Millions of people around the world are now engaged in a very personal struggle, a fight that will require from them every ounce of determination and will power. This conflict is called the “Battle of the Bulge.”

Quite literally, the bulge — or excess body fat is now considered a very real enemy, not just by fitness buffs but by ordinary people who have been enlightened about the potential dangers of being extremely overweight.

Obesity and being overweight are now serious health concerns that now being given much attention by national and international health organizations. Using the Body-Mass Index (BMI) and the Waist Circumference Measurement (WCM) as the basic parameters for assessing weight-related health risks, more and more doctors, nutritionist-dietitians, and other health professionals are waging a campaign to educate the public about the benefits of getting rid of excess body fat and attaining the best possible weight according to accepted standards.

On a more positive note, the growing awareness about the need to lose weight and control obesity has led to the growth in the fitness and health industry. Various types of gyms and health shops have sprung up to offer people a multitude of methods and routines to regain their health. Some of the common exercise routines promoted by fitness gurus include anaerobic weight training, aerobics, pilates, yoga, core training ball method, and tae-bo. These fitness exercises are supposed to help one to lose weight while improving cardio-vascular performance, body coordination, and over-all health. Many have actually attested to the effectiveness of these workouts.

But not all can perform the movements required in the gym. People with certain physical impairments can also perform exercise routines albeit at a very limited range of motion. It is also true that many people cannot sustain the interest or motivation needed to complete an exercise program or repeatedly go to the gym to break out a sweat. Others may have the motivation to regularly workout but simply have no time due to busy work schedules and other demands at home.

For these reasons, the weight loss pill has become a very attractive and easy alternative to a gym membership or a strict workout routine. For some, popping a pill is clearly the easier road to take to lose weight compared to actually moving one’s body to the point of exhaustion.

How does a weight loss pill actually work?

The common weight loss pill is actually loaded up with fiber husks. The fiber expands in the stomach and supposedly produces a “full stomach” feeling. With a feeling of having a full stomach, the user of the pill also reduces food intake. Another weight loss diet pill contains traces of ephedrine, a narcotic that reduces appetite. The unregulated, mass market version of this drug called “Bangkok pills” had been popular during the late 90s for its fast effects. However, since the said drug that was manufactured and imported from Thailand was clearly unregulated, its safety could not be guaranteed.

With all fitness fads and different pills out in the market, one of the most frequently ignored strategy that could even take the place of the best weight loss pill is to simply control one’s eating. Those who go on crash diets always find themselves eating more after giving up on their eating plan. The harsh diets they pursue leave them with a sense of having been deprived of good food. But if one only sticks to the simple strategy of eating just the right amount, coupled with reduction of fatty foods from the everyday meals — a person can already see good results. It is not advisable to endure starvation just to shed off some pounds. Proper, sensible eating habits must be imbibed together with regular exercise.

The use of a weight loss pill may still be a viable alternative provided that it is used with the approval and supervision of a medical professional. Indeed, the arsenal that can be used in the “Battle of the Bulge” can range from a regular physical training regimen, to dieting, to the use of medication that helps you lose weight. The key is to do everything in moderation and to remain focused on the health benefits of these ways to lose weight. For the overweight and people struggling with obesity, it would be very helpful to internalize that for every pound they lose, they are gaining back their health — and that’s surely a good better deal.

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