With the quality teeth whitening products available today it is true that You will see a difference in your teeth in 7 days or less!
Companies that sell teeth whitening kits target markets based on what they understand the market (you and me) are most interested in hearing. There are some tooth whitener products that tout the amount of the whitening gel they provide. They want us to think we’re getting a better value choosing their product. Problem is that if they simply used fillers instead of quality teeth whitening gel fill those larger syringes, we’re not really getting anything of value. Actually, we might even be getting a mess because we need to use more product to get the same result
Then there are companies that sell teeth whitening kits based on price alone. Two types of companies fall into this group. The first is a quality company that uses quality products. The way they lower the price is not to provide everything needed for a complete teeth whitening job. Giving us gel for a week or two when a months product can make almost anyones teeth as bright as possible, is not being completely honest with us.
The other company that sells just on price alone lowers their teeth whitening kits price by using lower quality products. The whitening gel, typically carbamide peroxide can be offered in many strengths. By lowering the strength, these companies are able to lower the price. This is a very real situation that we should remember that we get what we pay for. Quality materials will never be the lowest price.
What we truly want is the highest quality product at the lowest possible cost. This is where we can receive the best value for our money.
There are other products that can be used and claim to be complete
Teeth Whitening kits. These other products include tooth whitener toothpastes. These marvels in a tube are actually very good at maintaining your new whiter and brighter smile once the stains and dullness have been removed. Although not cheap, about 8-10 dollars a tube, teeth whitening toothpastes usually contain a small amount of baking soda and / or peroxide like in the teeth whitening kit.
Whitener strips also claim to be effective teeth whitening kits. The problem with these strips however is the same with any tooth bleaching or whitening product. The material only whitens the areas it touches. Because these strips are designed for application just to the front teeth, your back teeth are not changed. This means that your front teeth may be brighter while the back teeth stay darker and dull.
Use any tooth bleaching product wrong and the result can be blotchy looking teeth. Whiter where the product, strip or gel touched the tooth and darker where the strip or gel didn’t touch the tooth. Still, if a fast and simple whitening is your goal, these teeth whitener strips may just be the ticket. You can end up with a somewhat brighter smile with any major staining definitely lighter in color.
So where do we end up with this wide array of products?
1. For a complete job and the brightest smile possible, use high quality, home teeth whitening or teeth bleaching kits. Do not be fooled by cheaper alternatives. Quality in this case does pay dividends and is not that much more expensive.
2. To maintain that those white pearly white smile, use a quality teeth whitening toothpaste on a regular basis. This will keep your smile looking it’s best.
3. Use any tooth bleaching product with care. Having blotchy teeth is not very attractive.
So that’s it! Quality doesn’t cost that much more and can deliver the absolute best results possible.