Buying telescopes for kids can open up a world for them that they have only just wondered about. They learn a little bit about astronomy at school in science class but wouldn’t it be wonderful and fun to teach them more at home?
Kids are like sponges when it comes to learning, they soak it all up, especially if that learning is fun. They almost learn without even knowing it and when you, as their parent, are the one teaching them, they gain respect for you and therefore you get rewarded, too.
Of course, one way you can teach them more is by buying software for their computer. They can see amazing pictures of the universe and learn to identify constellations and other star formations or take a virtual tour of the moon, but nothing compares to actually seeing everything up there for yourself. Do some research of your own on the computer and find out what the best telescopes for kids are. They don’t have to be expensive.
When my son was young, his grandma bought him one for twenty dollars. We enjoyed looking at the stars and moon with it a few times and though his interest in astronomy did not last, we had fun at the time. What I am trying to say is, don’t go broke buying a telescope that may only get used a few times. There are plenty of inexpensive models available to choose from.
Books, videos, and diagrams can supplement what you and your child see through the telescope and answer any questions they may come up with. So they get a better idea of where all the planets are in relation to each other, help them build a model of the solar system using different sized styrofoam balls and string or wire to hang them by.
Museums are another good way to increase your child’s knowledge of the universe. Some museums now have sections that are kid-friendly and use a hands-on, interactive approach to teaching kids about the solar system and outer space. Kids love to touch things and hold things in their hands. What an incredible experience it would be to hold Saturn and see the rings up close or take a good look at the big spot on Jupiter. I almost wish I was a kid again.
Take your kids to an observatory if there is one close to you, let them see a huge telescope in action. The professionals at the observatory may be able to put you in touch with a local astronomy club and get you an invitation to what’s called a ‘star party’, wouldn’t that be a hit with your kids? You can get other people’s perspectives on different types of telescopes and your kids can look up into the heavens and see it through someone else’s eyes.
So, read the books, watch the videos, look at the pictures and, by all means, visit your local museum and observatory then go buy one of the inexpensive telescopes for kids that you have decided upon.