Magnesium is a mineral that serves a vital role in the human body. Magnesium is found in both plants and animals. It helps plants with photosynthesis and acts as a metabolic reaction in animals. The human body has over three hundred biochemical processes in the body that requires Magnesium.
How does the body use it?
Magnesium is used by the bones in the human body. Approximately, half of the Magnesium in the body is found in the bones. Magnesium helps in the production of the hormone calcitonin. This is used to produce calcium in the bones. It also helps to control the acidity in the blood, which helps the bones as high levels of acid can weaken the bone structure. Children and adults can not live without the daily doses of Magnesium. The lower levels of Magnesium in a person’s body the more likely you are to develop certain illnesses and diseases.
Magnesium also helps to control neuromuscular activities of the heart and helps to keep the heart beating regularly. It can also help to keep the person’s blood pressure level normal for a period of time.
How much Magnesium does a body need?
According to the National Research Council individuals need between three to four hundred milligrams of Magnesium daily to get the recommended allowances. Adult males need about three hundred and fifty milligrams per day, with adult women needing about two hundred and eighty milligrams that should increase to about four hundred and twenty for pregnant women and during breastfeeding. Children depending on their size and weight need about one hundred and thirty milligrams a day. Statistics show that many individuals do not take the recommended dosages of Magnesium.
What are the common signs of Magnesium Deficiency
They are a variety of illnesses that a person can develop if they do not take the correct amount of Magnesium on a daily basis.
1.Musculo-Skeletal Issues- You can develop such illnesses as osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, and weakness, muscle spasm, tremors, and restlessness.
2.Cardiovascular Disease- They are many types of cardiovascular diseases that can be linked to a lack of Magnesium in the body. These include atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmias, and vasospasm. Magnesium can be found in different types of nuts such as almonds and peanuts.
3.Premenstrual Syndrome- Magnesium deficiency has been found to increase the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
4.Psychiatric Issues- Individuals who suffer from irritability, depression, or bipolar disorders has been found to have lower levels of Magnesium.
5.Neurological Issues- Individuals who suffer from migraine headaches, noise and pain sensitivity also have been known to experience low levels of Magnesium.
6.Endocrine Issues- Magnesium plays a role in acting as a messenger for insulin. Magnesium is important in the secretion and function of insulin. It plays a key role in controlling the blood sugar levels in the body. It plays an important role in the prevention of diabetes. It also assists the body in turning blood sugar into energy, as key role in the formation of diabetes.
Most individuals don’t get the recommended doses of many vitamins and minerals in their daily diets, and they must rely of supplements. The body’s system needs these nutrients in order to function correctly, with the daily doses of Magnesium the body can experience a wide range of symptoms that can possibly turn into serious conditions. It is important to see your doctor and find out if you have a Magnesium deficiency this way it can be treated and serious problems averted. You can get your daily amount of Magnesium in such foods as nuts, whole grains and legumes all excellent sources of Magnesium and easy to take.