Stress: Inevitable But Treatable

Lifestyle in the 21st century is very stressful. Stress nowadays is not only overwhelming but it can pose a serious effect on one’s health. Almost everyone knows how it feels like to be stressed, stomachaches, headaches, and sweaty palms are all symptoms of this condition. These are normal body reactions to threats, changes in routines, … Read more

Incontinence: Improving Muscle Tone

Incontinence is one of the most common problems among women these days. A treatable disorder, whose main symptom is frequent urination and leakage. An overactive bladder and incontinence affects 12 million North American women. Incontinence occurs when the urethra loses support from the vaginal walls. Overactive bladder is closely linked to incontinence, and is characterized … Read more

Understanding the Delicate Balance in Our Body for Treating Yeast Infections

The body is really an amazing thing and whenever we are first born, it is almost always in perfect balance. As a matter of fact, one of the only reasons why somebody would be out of balance whenever they were born is because of a genetic problem or perhaps because something was mishandled prior to … Read more