What you should know before buying Steroids

Steroids are synthetic hormones that serve the purpose of treating various medical conditions. Anabolic steroids are a version of testosterone, the male hormone, and upon their discovery, were used to treat puberty delays, infertility and low testosterone levels. With further research, scientists concluded that they could also use these steroids for treating chronic wasting conditions caused by cancer or AIDS. But as the years rolled by, researchers concluded that steroids had the ability to increase anabolism and could stimulate cell growth. Thus, they began finding use whenever bone or muscle growth needed to be stimulated.

But, many sportsmen, bodybuilders, models, highschoolers etc. began purchasing these steroids in large quantities to help them gain muscle and strength faster. Later, certain steroids were manipulated to serve even fat burning and weight gaining needs. The major steroids on sale are: Anadrol, Clenbuterol, Deca-Durabolin, Anavar, Dianabol and Winstrol. Though there are many others, these dominate the entire anabolic steroid market as they serve the purposes of aspiring bodybuilders and athletes.

To further aid sportsmen, steroid companies now sell various “stacks” of steroids. These are combinations of two or more steroids which are consumed at once to provide combined effects. Some common stacks are: Ultimate cutting stack, strength stack, competition stack etc. Steroids used in stacks have amazing capabilities such as burning fat instantly and adding many pounds of muscle at the same time.

However, many athletes choose to buy steroids and dose themselves without any form of proper medical guidance. What happens in these cases is a load of harmful side-effects that occur due to steroid overdose. This is the major problem with steroids today. In order to prevent overdose, sporting organizations like the Olympics, FIFA etc. have put bans on the use of steroids. Also, many countries have imposed restrictions on the manufacture and sale of anabolic steroids.

Steroids can be found on sale both online and offline. However, it is wise to buy them only upon medical prescription.

Steroids for sale

Steroids are synthetic derivatives of hormones which serve various medical treatment purposes. Anabolic steroids are derived from the testosterone hormone, which gives them the ability to enhance muscle and bone growth through manipulation of protein synthesis in cells, reduce extra fat instantly and increase the strength and performance of the body.

Initially, steroids were developed as natural medicines and doctors used them for curing low testosterone levelss. Later on, it was discovered that they could be converted into synthetic drugs and doctors began to use them in chronic waste treatment of Cancer and HIV/AIDS. As research carried on, scientists found that steroids had the amazing ability to boost growth instantly and add significantly to strength. Not only this, they were could also be used for burning down excess fat.

As soon as this news surfaced, people began purchasing steroids. Sportsmen considered steroids a boon for their careers and continued to buy them extensively in their obsession to emerge on top. Steroids like Clenbuterol, Deca-Durabolin, Dianabol, Equipoise, Anadrol, Winstrol, Trenbolone, etc. did and still do account for a large portion of steroid sales. These drugs are sold in stacks, or specific combinations, like the cutting stack, competition stack, strength stack, etc. These steroids have been found to have remarkable capabilities of increasing adding strength, speed and even muscle mass in short periods of time. Some of them could even increase the muscle growth and strength considerably without adding any bodyweight. It is also very common to use steroids for burning fat and curing injuries immediately.

Unfortunately, all of these benefits led to immense abuse of steroids in the form of overdose. Such overdose without medical guidance leads to a variety of harmful repercussions which include infertility, emotional imbalances, severe damage to the liver, premature baldness, increased acne levels, Impotence, enlarged breasts in men due to imbalance in estrogen levels, deepening of voice and enlargement of the clitoris in women, elevated blood pressure, increased LDL cholesterol levels etc. These side effects sometimes even took the life of sportsmen who’d become steroid addicts.

To prevent these disasters, many countries have imposed restrictions on the manufacture and sale of steroids

Steroids are for sale both online and offline. One can purchase them online or from legitimate and licensed dealers. It is illegal in some countries to purchase anabolic steroids without prescription.

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