You Just Can’t Ignore Medicinal Benefits Of Clenbuterol!

You cannot ignore the medicinal benefits of Clenbuterol, even though the drug is more popular for its fat burning and muscle making benefits. Clenbuterol certainly has a number of medicinal uses and benefits.

Clenbuterol is medically prescribed to the people suffering from asthma. It is used as an effective bronchodilator for the people suffering from breathing problems. The drug remains in body for longer period of time, which is measured to be 34 hours. That is why the drug is usually taken once or twice in the day. This characteristic of Clenbuterol makes it one of the easiest to use drugs.

Clenbuterol is commonly available in 20mcg tablets, but it is also available in syrup and in injectable form. The drug affects the sympathetic nervous systems in a number of ways which in result makes it possible for the receptors to respond to the drug. The dosage for this purpose is prescribed as 80-100mcg/day which is sufficient for every person.

Recently, the researchers studying the drug have found that Clenbuterol might also help heart failure patients stay strong without the need of a heart transplant. The research that was lead by Maybaum, and which was presented recently at a meeting of the International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation in Madrid, Spain, revealed that Clenbuterol is capable of keeping the heart patients away from a major surgery like heart transplant.

Studies done by the British center found that Clenbuterol resulted in significant improvement in cardiac functions in patients with heart pumps awaiting heart transplants. In fact, the pumps could be taken out in more than half of the patients, meaning they no longer were in need of transplant. Those studies used doses 20 times those typically used by asthma patients and athletes.

However, side effects were also seen in the medicinal uses of Clenbuterol. Some of the side effects included restlessness, palpitations, tremor, headache, insomnia, nausea and increased blood pressure.

It is important to note that Clenbuterol is not allowed in the US. It is not approved by the U.S. FDA. The argument for not approving the Clenbuterol by FDA was that US had many asthma control and heart failure medicines which were better than Clenbuterol.

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