Bed Wetting Solutions Many Different Ones To Choose From

Finding bed wetting solutions is something that parents spend a lot of time looking for when they have an older child with a bedwetting problem. There are many products on the market that offer relief in keeping the child dry at night, but these are not really solutions that will cure the bed wetting forever. When a child continues wetting the bed or redevelops bedwetting past the age of 5, a thorough investigation needs to be carried out by a health care provider. Usually bedwetting stops as the child’s bladder develops and he/she learns to recognize the signs of a full bladder during the night. There are several bed wetting solutions available for parents to use.

One of the most common bed wetting solutions is to use one of the many bed wetting alarms that are on the market. Many different manufacturers make these alarms and they are not all alike or equally effective. It may take a bit of experimenting to find the one that is right for your child. These alarms are devices with moisture detection systems. As soon as moisture is detected, an alarm sounds to wake the child so that he/she will go to the bathroom instead of wetting the bed. You still need to use urine collection products such as liners or pull ups along with these bedwetting solutions because they do take time to change the sleep/waking behavior.

Even with using bed wetting alarms as a solution, in the case of children who are deep sleepers, they may still need to be awakened by parents. The sound of the alarm will need to be adjusted so that parents will wake up when it goes off, if this is the situation. They also need to be reset, so children have to learn to do this or the parents will have to be awake so that they can reset the alarm. These bed wetting solutions usually take about 4 to 6 weeks before the child becomes adjusted to being awakened by the sound of the alarm. They also need to be snug so that they won’t come off in the night and they need to be comfortable. If these factors are not taken into consideration, then the alarms will not be effective bedwetting solutions.

Studies with the use of bed wetting alarms have shown that they are the most effective bed wetting solutions. After 12 to 14 weeks of continuous use, the child learns bladder control and will wake up when he/she needs to use the bathroom. Although there are medications that are also effective bedwetting solutions, they do have side effects that can make the child sick. In addition, when you use medication as a solution for bed wetting, as soon as the child stops taking the medication, bedwetting will resume.

Some of the other bed wetting solutions include hypnosis, chiropractic therapy and exercises to improve the muscles of the bladder. Of all of these, however, the bed wetting alarms have proven to be the most effective of all. This is because they use behavior modification as the method of bed wetting solution, which is the one that will last.

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