Mini Soccer Goal May Be Just The Thing

If you are new to the world of soccer and all it’s apparatus, you may be confused by the differences in goals. There are many different types and sizes of goals and there are several factors to take into consideration when choosing a full sized or a mini soccer goal.

Of course, the first thing you’ll need to take into consideration is your budget. The bigger, more heavy duty goals can cost thousands of dollars. They are usually a good option for a team or school but generally not necessary for the backyard practice field.

A full size goal is the best option for a professional team. This goal will meet the FIFA regulations for size. The goal is 8 feet high and 24 feet wide. The posts are a uniform width not more than 5″ and must be made of wood or metal. The goal also has to be anchored to the ground.

Goals for little kids, aged under 8, can be 9 feet wide and 4 feet high. For those kids from 6 to 8 years of age the size goes up to 6’x18′.

Padding on the goal posts is something that is becoming more and more recognized as being an important safety feature. Many companies have added padding to their goals (they claim that the padding has very little effect on the rebound of the ball when it hits the post).

The mini goals are a great option for anyone who doesn’t have the luxury of a big space that they can dedicate to a permanent goal. It will still provide a place for the stars of tomorrow to practice, but it can be easily moved whenever the lawn needs to be cut.

These goals usually include the net and are easily transportable. Many models can even be used indoors for practice. They are perfect for a quick game in the park or a little last minute practice when traveling or before a match.

These smaller goals are also usually smaller in price. They can be found for as little as $50 to $60. They can also range in size but a common smaller goal is around 47″ x 28″. Of course, size and where you purchase your goal will determine how much you pay for your goal.

The smaller size of these goals serve another purpose, beyond just being easy to handle, they can help your player improve their accuracy. Having a smaller target will make it more challenging to make a goal so a larger, full sized goal will seem absolutely easy to hit!

If you are buying a goal for a team or organization, you will no doubt want to invest more in a full sized, professional grade goal and net. If you are buying a goal for ease of use and backyard, or parking lot practices, a mini soccer goal will be less expensive, much easier to use (indoors or out) and may even help your player improve their accuracy and game.

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