In medium depth peels the chemical normally used is Trichloroacetic acid. TCA is used in many concentrations to get different results. This peel is stronger than the superficial peel that is normally done with AHA and less strong than deep peel normally done with phenol.
TCA peel is effective in treatment of fine surface wrinkles, superficial skin spots and blemishes, uneven pigmentation and other superficial skin problems. TCA peel may require an initial treatment with AHA or Retinoid Creams to make the skin thin and make TCA pill more effective. The treatment takes ten to fifteen minutes and this peel can be used on neck or other body parts also.
No anesthesia is needed for TCA peel as the chemical itself anesthetizes the skin. Some doctors give mild sedation to make the patient more comfortable during the treatment. The doctor cleans the skin thoroughly and then applies the solution on the skin. The initial stinging goes away after some time. After the treatment, you may feel swelling which may go after few days. The TCA peel may have to be repeated to get desired results.
Your doctor may cover your face with a tape that may be removed after a day or two. This depends upon the strength of the peel. Please avoid sun exposure for as long as possible after the peel. It is important to discuss the procedure, the effect and any other question you may have with your doctor before you get medium depth peel done. Sometimes TCA peel may produce some color changes in the skin. You may also have to avoid your normal activities for about a week or more.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article