The Growing Nexus Of Steroid And Sports

The use of performance enhancing drugs in competitive sports is as old as the feeling of winning at any cost. The nexus of steroid and sports began developing in 1960s and 70s.

In 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics, about a dozen of athletes were found using anabolic steroids. Most of the sports persons detected using anabolic steroids were weightlifters.

Steroid and sports became completely entwined in 1980s & 90s. In 1984 Los Angeles summer Olympics, Nandrolone (anabolic steroid), Methenolone (anabolic steroid), and Testosterone (steroid hormone), were widely used. This time anabolic steroids were used in weightlifting and athletics.

In 1988 Summer Olympics Seoul, the association of steroid and sports was widely revealed. Stanozolol was very popular anabolic steroid during this Olympics. Ben Johnson’s (Canada) case was one of the most famous instances of Stanozolol. Stanozolol was detected during 1996 (Atlanta), 2000 (Sydney), and 2004 (Athens) Olympics.

The nexus of steroid and sports is flourishing from the grass root levels to the professional international levels of sports. Steroids are being widely used by teenage sportspersons; both boys and girls for various purposes. The terms, such as roids, juice, hype, weight trainers, gym candy, arnolds, stackers, or pumpers, are pretty commonly used for anabolic steroids.

You see, the nexus of steroid and sports is no longer undercover. You can find lots of steroid pills, gels, creams, or injections that are widely used as performance enhancing drugs in professional sports, or often used to improve looks.

Power Jocks, such as bodybuilders, wrestlers, weightlifters, or boxers often use high doses of steroids to boost their power and performance. Bodybuilders and wrestlers often use anabolic steroids to build their muscle mass, strength, and stamina.

To break off the steroid and sports nexus, many international sports organizations have banned the use of steroids in sports. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Sports Medicine condemn the growing nexus between steroid and sports. Several organizations are in favor of disassociating steroid and sports by educating teens about the negative effects and serious consequences of using steroids.

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