What Do Steroid Graphs Of The United States Indicate?

The steroid graphs of the United States indicate that steroids are being abused by individuals of various ages. The Monitoring the Future (MTF) steroid graphs of the early 1990s show the high steroid abuse among the high school students in the United States, however the steroid graphs of recent times indicate the decline in the steroid abuse among the high school students.

The steroid graphs based on the recent surveys of the MTF signal that the steroid abuse is relatively low among high school students and young adults as compared to the data of the steroid graphs of 1990s.

However, the MTF steroid graphs for the period between year 2002 and 2004 do not show significant changes in the rates of steroid abuse among twelfth graders, yet the steroid graphs do indicate the rates of declining steroid abuse among eighth and tenth graders.

The MTF steroid graphs for year 2003 show that the rates of the use for steroids among eighth and tenth grade males were 1.8 and 2.3 percent, respectively.

The MTF 2004 steroid graphs indicate that rates of the steroid use among high school students were highest among twelfth graders (2.5%), followed by tenth graders (1.5%), and eighth graders (1.1%). The MTF 2004 steroid graphs reveal that steroid abuse was higher among males than females.

The steroid graphs of 2004 show higher steroid use among males than females among all age groups surveyed- eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders and young adults aged 19 to 30. The steroid graphs also show the highest steroid abuse among twelfth grade males (3.2%) that included just 1.1 % of females.

The MTF 2004 steroid graphs also indicate that rates of steroid use appear to be slightly higher among Whites in tenth (2.3%) and twelfth grades (2.4%) than Hispanics (1.8% and 1.8%) and Blacks (0.8% and 1.1%), and among eighth graders, rates of past year steroid use indicate smaller variations between Hispanics (1.7%), Whites (1.6%), and Blacks (1.2%).

Interestingly, the steroid graphs show that the percentage of twelfth graders perceiving harm in using steroids peaked at 70.7 percent in 1992 and continued an overall decline to 55.7 percent in 2004. The Twelfth graders disapproving of people using steroids peaked at 92.1 percent in 1992 and 1993 and declined overall to 87.9 percent in 2004.

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