Dealing with Stress Due to Sleep Deprivation

Lack of sleep may throw the body’s system off balance. It is one of the factors that may contribute to stress and fatigue. In the long run, lack of sleep hampers a person’s emotional well-being, mental abilities, productivity, and performance. Lack of sleep actially increases the production of a hormone called corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). The … Read more

Dealing With Physical and Psychological Impotence

People have this general notion that impotence, or more appropriately termed as erectile dysfunction, is only for older men. This is partly true. Statistics show that most American men between ages 40 and 70 experience impotence to some degree each year. An estimated 15 million to 30 million men in the U.S. experience erectile dysfunction. … Read more

Dealing with Depression and Strengthening Self-Esteem

It’s not an inherited trait but a learned skill. Anyone can possess high self-esteem if they really want to, but for some, building positive thoughts about oneself is often difficult. Most people feel bad about themselves from time to time. Feelings of low self-esteem may be triggered by being treated poorly by someone else recently … Read more

Dealing with depression | Grief Support For Depression

Depression is a status of mind which can bring serious altercation with human behavior which ultimately upsets even the harmony of stability, in a broad sense. An uncontrolled state of depression seriously affects all the activities of a man and brings far reaching biological and metabolic disfunctionalities in his day today life. Mental depression is … Read more

Dealing with Child Anxiety takes more than just therapy

Children often go out and play — activities that are normal for their physical, intellectual, and emotional development. They go to school, do homework, do some errands, and play again. They interact often with peers and are always on the go. In some cases, children get a chance to feel the surge of anxiety in … Read more