Dental Plans Good Business Sense

The many Simpsons fans among us will remember with great poignancy the episode in which Homer becomes a bigwig in the Nuclear power plant’s union. Just like almost every other episode of the classic show, there are a multitude of brilliant moments that can be carried forward into every day life, creating great annoyance among … Read more

Considerations for Psychoactive Medications

A lot of older people in America who live alone usually take medications to deal with loneliness. People who are overworked or overstressed, and people who have gone through depression also use these medications which supposedly eliminate the suffering caused by psychological conditions. These medications are called psychoactive medications. Medications that effect mood or behavior … Read more

Home Windows

When remodeling an older home, it’s important to retain the integrity of the historic architectural design, particularly when it comes to the home windows styles. Newer styles of window are often more durable and resistant to the elements. The different types of windows most often found in modern homes should also be considered when remodeling … Read more

Can The Northwestern Larch Tree Boost The Immune System?

The answer is yes, the northwestern Larch tree can boost the immune system. The fiber that has this amazing immune boosting property is found in the wood of the larch tree and its called arabinogalactan (AG). Researchers recently discovered that AG can boost the activity of natural killer (NK) cells, these cells kill off microbes … Read more

Body Mass Index

A person’s body mass index is a number calculated based on their height and weight. It is used for a comparative analysis of people with similar heights. The body mass index is a brainchild of a Belgian statistician and mathematician named Adolphe Quatelet who created the BMI sometime from1830 to 1850. To calculate the BMI, … Read more

Schools’ Biggest Threat

What do W.R. Myers High School, Heritage High School, Columbine High School and Virginia Tech, have in common aside from being academic institutions? Do the names Todd Cameron Smith, Thomas Solomon Jr., Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold and Cho Seung-Hui sound familiar? What is the common factor among those persons mentioned earlier? Why is it important … Read more

Pump Iron and Speed Up Your Metabolism

Weightlifting is one of the oldest and most popular sports and physical conditioning routines known to man. It is a test of pure strength, determination, and desire to attain almost superhuman physical form and abilities. As a competitive sport, weightlifting can be traced back to the routines performed by professional “strong men” of the early … Read more